The Do’s & Don’ts of Outdoor Bathroom Breaks

14/08/2019 | by Lumberjack

One of the camping subjects that people have the hardest time with is going to the bathroom.

While there are lots of ways to go about it in the great outdoors, very few of them will make people happy.

Here are some things to keep in mind about what you should and should not do when going to the bathroom on a camping trip or a hiking excursion.




Make Use of Your Camper

Many modern campers & caravans have bathroom facilities, and this a is a great way to take care of the call of nature without exposing yourself to the elements. Make sure your camper’s bathroom is fully functional and stocked before taking it on any camping trip though.


Use Biodegradable Toilet Paper

If you are going to deal with business out in the woods and don’t have access to bathroom facilities, then be sure to use paper that will degrade over time and not harm the environment.

Waste of this kind won’t hurt nature, but your paper waste can leave a carbon footprint and endanger plant and animal life. You could also bag up your paper and dispose of it properly, but most people are unlikely to want to mess with that. The next best thing is to make sure the paper you use is biodegradable so that you don’t have to worry about it.


Create a Bathroom Facility

You can make your own private area in which to conduct your business. Use a branch as a toilet paper holder and hang up a sheet or tarp to give yourself some privacy.

This is pretty easy to do with a couple of trees close together and some rope, and it ensures you have the cover you need to keep the bathroom facilities fairly close to the campsite without exposing yourself to the other campers accidentally.





Put Your Bathroom Facilities Too Close to the Campsite

You want to make some distance between the bathroom area and the rest of the campsite. You don’t want any rogue odour while you are sleeping or cooking, so put it slightly down an incline or hill, far enough away to prevent odours from your campsite.

You don’t want anyone walking in the dark to the bathroom area, though, so keep it in sight of the rest of the camp.


Leave business uncovered

For those who need to use the bathroom, you should dig a hole a few inches deep. Creating small pit will help keep the smell from carrying and ensure that your business is not washed towards your campsite by rainwater. You can also easily cover the pit after use also.


Forget to Illuminate the Way

Some people will have to get up in the middle of the night to do their business. If you don’t want them doing it next to their tent, then use florescent tape or a light to mark their path to the bathroom facilities.

This makes it easy for them to find their way in the dark and makes it more likely that they will use the proper facilities.